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H. n. ṿ. fī bayān ṣafat al miting maʻamad: aladhi sār yawm al aḥad tisʻa Adar Rishon shenat ha-5676 mawāfiq yawm talaṭàsar Februṿari 1917 fī bet ha-keneset Magen Daṿid Tags: Bombay; Conference proceedings; Conference Proceedings; India; Judaism; Religious gatherings A Primer of Hebrew Tags: Hebrew language; Readers; Readers (Primary) Dabar be-'itto: a series of prints on Jewish subjects Tags: Jews; Judaism The secret doctrine of the soul and body: with miscellaneous information useful in daily life Tags: Judaism; Mind and body; Religious aspects Judaism; Soul "Śāāra Hārāhāmīma" mandirācedhi prārthanā va kāryāṁsambandhī niyama Tags: Bombay India; Rules; Synagogue Sepheratorā phaṇḍācā āṇi mandira phaṇḍācā rīporṭa: Novhemabara 1913 pāsūna Ḍisembara 1914 akhera paryanta Tags: Corporation reports; India; Synagogue fund raising; Tables Aḥenu ha-yeḳarim: le-ragle ha-matsav heḥmir ṿeha-tsarot ṿeha-gezerot ha-ḳashot ha-baʼot ʻalenu, hen be-artsenu ha-ḳedoshah, ṿe-hen be-khol ha-ʻolam kulo, anu tserikhim le-raḥamim gedolim Tags: India; Prayers Seder Tefilah ṿe-taḥanunim: be-maʼamar ha-melekh ... li-teshuʻat anshe tsivʼotenu ba-maḳhelot be-yom Shabat Ḳodesh = The Great War. order of intercession service on Shabbath, January 2, 1915 Tags: 1939-1945, India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; World War Līlāvilāsa-grantha-mālikā. Pushpa 1 lẽ Tags: Fiction The Jewish Messenger: published every fortnight Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals Derush le-yom ḥinukh bet Talmud Torah: asher nityased me-et ha-g. ... Yehudah Menaḥem Mosheh le-ḳahal ḳadosh ʻAden, 2 de-Rosh Ḥodesh Adar sheni, shenat 5673 Tags: addresses, adresses, etc; Speeches, etc; Yemen; Yemen Aden, Jewish religious schools; Speeches Children's devotional services: Israelite school, Bombay = Mulānnīṁ karaṇyācyā prārthanā Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; Liturgy Texts; Prayer-books and devotions Children's devotional services: Israelite school, Bombay = Mulānnīṁ karaṇyācyā prārthanā Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; liturgy Texts; Prayer books and devotions Guru Mośe caritra: athavā Isrāelāñcī misara deśāntūna suṭakā Tags: Bible plays; India; Moses; Verse drama; Verse drama, Marathi Choṭyā saṁsthānace baḍe kārabhārī Tags: Bene-Israel; Biography; India; Khan Bahadur Jacob ben Israel Journal of a visit to England in 1911 Tags: Description and travel; England Sefer Pizmonim le-Śimḥat Torah: ke-minhag ʻi. ṿ. be-Y. Bagdad y. ʻa. E. be-hosafat ha-neḳudot uve-hagahah meduyeḳet Tags: India; Piyutim; Simḥat Torah The Centurial: the Jewish calendar for one hundred years (from 5661 to 5660) with corresponding English dates (from 1901 to 2000) Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Judaism; Religious calendars; Tables Tefilah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: ba-maḳhelot ʻam be-vate knesiyot be-malkut Briṭaniya be-yom huśam keter malkut be-rosh he-melekh Geʼorg uve-rosh ha-malkah Meri = Order of service to be used in the Synagogues of the United Hebrew congregations in his majesty's empire on Thursday, June 22nd, 5671 - 1911, being the coronation day of their majesties King George and Queen Mary Tags: Coronation; George; Mary; Prayers and devotions Marāṭhī lipīnta vidhīce pustaka Tags: Customs and practices; India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Le-lamed bene Yiśraʼel: Hibru vācanapāṭha = The elementary Hebrew reader Tags: Hebrew language; India; Readers (Primary); Textbooks for foreign speakers A Catechism of religious and moral instruction Tags: India; Jewish religious education; Judaism; Textbooks Reshit ha-Miḳra: First Hebrew reader Tags: Hebrew language; Language; Readers (Primary) Āpalyā Bene Isrāela lokāñcī sudhāraṇā Tags: Bene-Israel; Education Seder Teḥinat Yaʻaḳov ṿe-seder Ṿidui ha-gadol: ke-fi minhag ʻi. ṿ. be-Y. Bagdad y. ʻa. E. ʻim targum Inglish Tags: India; Judaism; Liturgy Texts; Prayers and devotions; Repentance; Rosh ha-Shanah; Siddurim; Yom Kippur Saṅgīta Estera rāṇī nāṭaka Tags: Bible plays; Esther; India; Verse drama Shanah ṭovah u-mevorekhet Saṅgīta Yosepha Tags: Bible plays; India; Joseph; Verse drama Reshit ha-Miḳra: First Hebrew reader Tags: Hebrew language; India; Readers (Primary) Our Holy City - Jerusalem Tags: Description and travel; Jerusalem; Kasookar, Judah Shalum; Palestine; Travel The voice of Sinai: "cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the House of Jacob their sins" - Isaiah 58:1 Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals Reshit ha-Miḳra: First Hebrew reader Tags: Hebrew language; India; Readers (Primary) Dinim u-minhagim Tags: Commentaries; Customs and practices; Jewish ethics; Judaism; Shulḥan ʻarukh Haḳafot le-Śimḥat Torah Tags: Hakafoth; India; Rosh ha-Shanah Report of the Poona Jewish Benevolent Association Tags: Corporation reports; Poona Jewish Benevolent Association Saṅgīta Dānīela Tags: Bible plays; Daniel; India; Verse drama Mumbaī Marāṭhī granthasaṅgrahālayācā pahilā vārshika riporṭa: 1898-99 Tags: Corporation reports; India; Marathi literature Sefer Zikhron le-ṭovah: le-hitpalel li-fene Shokhen ha-ʻelyon ba-ʻerev ṿe-tsohorayim be-yom ha-zikhron baḳashot le-hamtiḳ dina ḳashya le-rifyon Tags: India; Judaism; Prayer-books and devotions; Siddurim Yosephākhyāna: nāṁvāce nāṭakāntīla gāṇīṁ Tags: Bible plays; India; Joseph; Verse drama Saṅgīta Dāvida rāṇā: yā nāṁvāce nāṭakānta yeṇārīṁ gāṇīṁ Tags: David; Songs and music; Verse drama, Marathi Pavitra śāstrācī satyatā va īśvarapraṇītatva Tags: Bible; Criticism, etc; Identity; Jewish Ethics; Jews; Judaism, interpretation Yonākhyāna Tags: Bible plays; India; Jonah; Verse drama; Verse drama, Marathi Sefer Noʻam ha-midot Tags: Jewish ethics Mi kamokha: mi kamokha ṿe-en kamokha mi domeh lakh ṿe-en domeh lakh Tags: India; Liturgy; Piyutim; Purim; Sabbath; Texts Kevod melakhim: et zu darashti yom 20 le-ḥodesh Siṿan shenat Magid Mesharim le-f. ḳatan tokh ḳahal ṿe-ʻedah ... yom meleʼut shishim shanah la-shevet adonatenu ha-malkah ha-ḥasdanit ha-raḥmanit imah shel malkut ha-ḳesarit Ṿiktoriyah Tags: Victoria The first Annual report: of the Association for the study of Jewish religion, Poona, founded on the 23rd of March 1894 Tags: Corporation reports Sefer ṿa-Yeshev. Ḥeleḳ 2 Tags: India; Responsa Sipur Ahavat Tsiyon Tags: Zionism Mistare Pariz. Ḥeleḳ 1 Tags: Fiction Hayinu de-imre anshe Tags: India; Proverbs, Judeo-Arabic Ḥatan ha-melekh: sipur neḥmad gam naʻim yisudato be-ḳorot bene ʻamenu mi-yeme gezerot 408 ve-409 Tags: Family; Fiction; Jewish women; Shabbetai ben Meir, ha-Kohen; Short stories, Jewish Bustanāy: hal ḥikayye qadīmī min ayām al geʼonim z. l. wa-tarjamnh̄ā min lashon ha-ḳodesh le-lashon ha-ʻArvi al sālikh liʻajli yafhamūhā al hamonim ragil wa-naswān wa-aṭfāl Tags: Bustanai ben Ḥaninai The life of Sir John Simon, Q.C: vice-president of the Anglo-Jewish Association Tags: John, Simon The history of Esther in verse Tags: Bible plays; Esther; India; Verse drama, Marathi Our travels to Jerusalem Tags: Bene-Israel; Description and travel; Ghosalkar, Itzhak Shlomo; India; Jerusalem; Jews; Palestine; Pinglei, Yaʻakov Yehezkel; Travel More light: a rational treatise on biblical subjects Tags: Bible; Judaism; Use Dānielācẽ mānasika dhairya: Mūla Freñc bhāshentūna Iṅgliśānta bhāshāntara kelelyā "Daniel in the lion's den." yā pustakācẽ bhāshāntara Tags: Bible plays; Daniel; India ʻEmeḳ ha-Arazim: sipur me-reshit darkhe ha-Inḳṿizitsiah bi-Sefarad ʻim nosafot harbeh meḳorot ha-ʻet ha-hi me-et A. S. Friedberg. Ḥeleḳ 1-2 Tags: 1479-1516; Inquisition; Marranos; Spain, Fiction; History Ferdinand and Isabella ʻEmeḳ ha-Arazim: sipur me-reshit darkhe ha-Inḳṿizitsiah bi-Sefarad ʻim nosafot harbeh meḳorot ha-ʻet ha-hi me-et A. S. Friedberg. Ḥeleḳ 2 Tags: 1479-1516; Inquisition; Marranos; Spain, Fiction; History Ferdinand and Isabella On the religious education of Jewish children: a paper Tags: Jewish religious education of children Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2