Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Istoria universal de el emperador Bazil el segundo y el ribi o un marido entre dos mužeres. Pirḳe Avot estampada kon letra ermoza y ladinada... Peṭirat Rabi Shimʻon ben Yoḥa ... Tehilim ...y metimos antes de kada mizmor el provecho ke sale de eyos... Un segundo Yosef. La koražoza Ester. Livro de pasatiempo akožido de ǧurnales y de livros istorikos. Pirḳe Avot estampada kon letra ermoza y ladinada... Pirḳe Avot ...ʻim laʻaz Sefaradi... Konplas di Purim. La salud el pan del alma. Los salmos trezladado en la lingua Espaniola. Seder Shir ha-shirim ʻim targum ṿe-Ladino ke-minhag Sefaradim. Seliḥot ke-minhag ḳehilat ... Sefaradim ...: Seliḥot kon Ladino ... Livro de el nuevo testamiento de nuestro sinior y salvador Yeshuʻa el mashiaḥ trezladado del Grego. Sefer Ben Sira mehe-ḥakham ha-mefursam ben Sira ben Yirmiyahu ha-navi: dando a entender la ḥokhma de ben Sira, a tanto ke venian reyes i ḥakhamim grandes para embezarsen de su ḥokhma. Ḥamesh megilot ṿe-ʼelu hen Shir, Rut, Ḳinot, Ḳohelet, Ester...targum...en Ladino... Pirḳe avot. Ḥamesh Megilot ... targum ... en Ladino ... Tehilim en Ladino. Sefer Torah El livro de la ley trezladado en la lingua Espaniola ... Sidur tefilat kol peh ke-minhag...Sefaradim ʻim targum Ladino: livro de tefilah kon Ladino para los Sefaradim levantinos... El livro de los Salmos trezladado en la lingua Espaniola. Pirḳe Avot kon su Ladino. Kisat al-naya wa-abu al-giyyatin Haftarat Tishah be-Av ke-minhag Bagdad im targum Arvi Bigde shesh [helek rishon] ve-kholel Ets Avot, Arve nahal Istawar di Alf Leila wa Leila Shir ha-shirim ve-targumo gam beur bi-leshon Arvi Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 12 May 1949 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 9 February 1949 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 8 January 1949 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 7 December 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 6 November 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 4 September 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 3 August 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 2 July 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 1 June 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 12 May 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 10 March 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 9 February 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 8 January 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 11 April 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 7 December 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 6 November 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 5 October 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 4 September 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 3 August 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 2 July 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 13 June 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Photographs of Synagogues in India: including one photograph of a cemetery and three photographs depicting people Tags: India; Photographs; Synagogues The ritual of the B'nai B'rith Lodge of India: no. 2626, with the authority of the supreme Lodge of the B'nai B'rith Balaʻ ha-mot la-netsaḥ: dine goses Tags: Bene-Israel; Death and burial; India; Jewish mourning customs; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Timetable and ordering of places in synagogue Tags: Synagogue seating; Tables Musaf shel yamim noraʼim Tags: High Holidays; India; Judaism Liturgy; Repentance; Siddurim; Texts El raḥum shemakh, El ḥanun shemakh Tags: India; Liturgy; Piyutim; Texts; Yom Kippur Hagadah Pesaḥ [manuscript] Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Lithographed items from Cochin: Psalm 8, a prayer in Hebrew, a prayer in Aramaic and the Hebrew alphabet on separate sheets of unknown date Tags: Alphabet; Hebrew language; India; Prayers Seder Teḥinat Yiśraʼel: la-yamim Rosh ha-Shanah ule-Yom Kipur Tags: Liturgy; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts; Yom Kippur The Jewish minister: Dhī Jyuīśa Minisṭara Tags: India; Jews; Periodicals Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2