Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Maasiyot fi shan hokhmat Shelomoh ha-melekh Magen Avraham: amar Avraham hineh ba le-fanai ḳuntres pasuḳ halakhah ʻal ʻinyan ʻavadim ha-meshuḥrarim ṿe-ḥatum ʻalaṿ ḥakhme Bumbai Magen Daṿid fasilitador y utilizador de la lektura leshon ha-ḳodesh para la ǧuventud de los Sefardim. Tags: Hebrew language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Ladino, Ladino literature Magen Daṿid fasilitador y utilizador de la lektura leshon ha-ḳodesh para la ǧuventud de los Sefardim. Tags: Hebrew language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Ladino, Ladino literature Magen Daṿid fasilitador y utilizador de la lektura leshon ha-ḳodesh para la ǧuventud de los Sefardim. Tags: Hebrew language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Ladino; Ladino literature Magen Daṿid fasilitador y utilizador de la lektura leshon ha-ḳodesh para la ǧuventud de los Sefardim. Tags: Hebrew language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Ladino; Ladino literature Magen Daṿid fasilitador y utilizador de la lektura leshon ha-ḳodesh para la ǧuventud de los Sefardim. Magen Daṿid fasilitador y utilizador de la lektura leshon ha-ḳodesh para la ǧuventud de los Sefardim. Magen David Synagogue Byculla, Bombay: divine services for high holidays 5742-1981 Maghen David Synagogue 5681: 13th September 1920 to 2nd October 1921 Magid devaraṿ le-Yaʻaḳov Tags: India; Jews; Open letters Magid Mesharim Tags: India; Jews; Periodicals Maḥazor shenot ḥayim le-Rosh ha-shanah be-otiyot gedolot ke-minhag...Sefaradim... Tags: Judaism -- Liturgy -- Texts, Ladino literature, Rosh ha-Shanah Maḥazor shenot ḥayim le-Rosh ha-shanah be-otiyot gedolot ke-minhag...Sefaradim... Tags: Judaism -- Liturgy -- Texts; Ladino literature; Rosh ha-Shanah Maḥazor shenot ḥayim le-Rosh ha-shanah be-otiyot gedolot ke-minhag...Sefaradim... Maḥberet Mivḥan ha-talmidim: zot ha-maḥberet nidfesah kede le-ḥalḳah le-talmidim ... ha-yoshvim lifne ḥakhamim Tags: Iraq; Responsa Maḥzor li-yeme ha-seliḥot ṿe-Hatarat nedarim: ke-minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Sefaradim kemo she-nidpas ba-ʻir Ḳonsṭanṭinah Tags: India; Judaism Liturgy; Mahzorim; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts Maʻalat ha-shalom Tags: Jewish ethics, Ladino literature Maʻalat ha-shalom Maʻalot ha-midot ...deklaro de midrashim, de halakhot y hagadot... Tags: Jewish ethics, Ladino literature Maʻalot ha-midot ...deklaro de midrashim, de halakhot y hagadot... Maʻase nisim Tags: Bible; Commentaries; Hanukkah; Liturgy; Texts Maʻaśeh ha-Nemalah Tags: Folk tales; Folk tales and legends; Iraq; Solomon Maʻaśeh nisim: minḥah ʻarvit, shaḥarit hemah negdekha sidurim yaḥad meturgamim ... meʻa sharḥ bil ʻArabi Tags: Judaism; Sephardic rite; Siddurim Maimonides su vida y su obras. Tags: Ladino literature, Maimonides Moses 1135-1204 Maimonides su vida y su obras. Tags: 1135-1204, Ladino literature; Maimonides, Moses Maimonides su vida y su obras. Maji saḥḥār: delef ṭored be-yom sagrir we-eshet midyanim nishtaṿah Tags: Iraq; Looking-glass; Oriental tales Majmuat hawazah wa-ghina Talamasani wa-ghayrihim Majmuat hawazah wa-ghina Talamasani wa-ghayrihim Majmuat hawazah wa-ghina Talamasani wa-ghayrihim Makābī vīrāñcẽ śaurya Tags: Bible plays; Drama; India; Maccabees Makābī vīrāñcẽ śaurya: yā nāṭakānta yeṇārī padẽ Tags: Bible plays; India; Maccabees; Verse drama Makkābī Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Judaism; Periodicals Manadir al-tawarikh al-Yahudiyyah Manadir al-tawarikh al-Yahudiyyah Manamohini: a novel Tags: Fiction; India Manasir al-tawarikh al-Yahudiyyah Manon Lesko Tags: Ladino literature Manon Lesko Tags: Ladino literature Manon Lesko Marāṭhī lipīnta Haggādā Śela Pesāha Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Marāṭhī lipīnta Hibru va Marāṭhī gītẽ Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Songs, Marathi Marāṭhī lipīnta Isarāelāñcẽ mukhya Hibru vidhīcẽ pustaka Tags: Customs and practices; India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Marāṭhī lipīnta Selīhotha, hmaṇaje, Pāpācyā kshamestava prārthanā Tags: High Holidays; India; Judaism Liturgy; Liturgy; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts Marāṭhī lipīnta vidhīce pustaka Tags: Customs and practices; India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Marāṭhī lipīnta vidhīce pustaka Tags: Customs and practices; India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Marāṭhī lipīnta vidhīcẽ pustaka Tags: Customs and practices; India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Maraviosos akontesimientos de el kapitan Korkoran Tags: Ladino literature Maraviosos akontesimientos de el kapitan Korkoran Tags: Ladino literature Maraviosos akontesimientos de el kapitan Korkoran Marpe lashon Marpe lashon Marpe le-etsem helek alef...refuot u-segulot...goralot, lehashim, pitron halomot Marpe le-etsem helek alef...refuot u-segulot...goralot, lehashim, pitron halomot Marpe le-etsem helek alef...refuot u-segulot...goralot, lehashim, pitron halomot Martin el teshedor o el poder de el oro Tags: Ladino literature Martin el teshedor o el poder de el oro Tags: Ladino literature Martin el teshedor o el poder de el oro Marʼeh Emunat Yiśraʼel: The true aspect of Judaism, being discourses on the thirteen articles of the Jewish faith Tags: Creeds; India; Judaism Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2