Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Sefer Ester ha-Malkah: bi-leshon ʻArvi asher be-dabero Maʻariv ʻArvim u-meshaʻsheaʻ nefesh ha-kore bo, zot matsanu bi-khetivat yad be-Teman Tags: Bible stories, Judeo-Arabic; Esther; Fiction; O.T. Esther Sefer Ḳitsur hilkhot Pesaḥ: ha-nohagim lomar be-vet ha-keneset be-Shabat gadol Tags: Liturgy; Sabbath ha-gadol; Texts Piyuṭim le-lel ha-seder be-lel Pesaḥ ke-minhag Ḳots'in Tags: India; Passover; Piyutim Ḳitsur dine Ḥanukah u-megilat Anṭiyokhus: ha-ragil li-ḳeriyat [sic] be-vet ha-keneset be-Shabat she-lifne Ḥanukah Tags: Hanukkah; Liturgy; Texts Sefer ʻIlui ha-neshamot: kolel ḳeriʼah ṿe-limud (asher nohagim po ʻAden le-omram le-ʻilui uli-menuḥat ha-neshamot ...) Mishnah masekhet zevaḥim kulah ṿe-pereḳ rishon ṿe-aḥaron mi-menuḥot u-firḳe Mishnayot ʻal seder alef bet Tags: Jewish mourning customs; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Yemen Qiṣṣat Ḥanah ve-shivʻat baneha: bāl ʻArabi faṣiḥ Tags: Ninth of Av; Piyutim; Yemen Ḳahal Bene-Yiśraʼel: asher be-ʻir Puna = Puṇeṃ yethīla Isrāela jamāta phaṇḍācā pahilā riporṭa: mukkāma Puṇeṃ Tags: Corporation reports Sefer Ilui ha-neshamot: kolel ḳeriʼah ṿe-limud (asher nohagim po ʻAden le-omram le-ʻilui uli-menuḥat ha-neshamot ...) Mishnah masekhet zevaḥim kulah ṿe-pereḳ rishon ṿe-aḥaron mi-menuḥot u-firḳe Mishnayot ʻal seder alef bet Tags: Jewish mourning customs; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Yemen Ḳol ha-madrikh ha-ṭov ṿeha-yashar: aḥim ʻIvrim hitʼaḥadu kulkhem li-khvod ha-shamayim be-ḥevrat tomkhe bet ha-sefer ha-ʻIvri, ʻAden, "Ḳing Gorg 5 elemenṭari-skul" Tags: Open letters Be-simana ṭava le-havdala: be-motsaʼe Shabat ḳodesh Tags: Liturgy; Sabbath; Texts Pizmonim le-moʻadim: le-omram ḳodem atah harʼeta gevaro be-yom 1 ṿe-lev ʻer be-yom 2 Tags: Jewish religious poetry Pizmonim le-seder be-lel Pesaḥ: atah gaʼalta, shalaḥ la-ḥolim, śimḥu emunai Tags: Jewish religious poetry Pizmonim la-yamim noraʼim, Rosh ha-Shanah ṿe-Yom Kipur Tags: High holidays; Jewish religious poetry; Liturgy; Texts Pizmonim le-ʼomram aḥar ḳeriʼat ha-megilah be-Purim: Elaha deba-shemayah, ṿa-ashir shirim Tags: Jewish religious poetry; Liturgy; Purim; Texts Śiḥot be-ʻIvrit Tags: Hebrew language; India; Textbooks Śabbātha va Mosāe-śabbātha: āṇi saṇavāra va aneka śubhaprasaṅgī lāgaṇāryā gāṇyāñcẽ pustaka Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Liturgy; Sabbath; Texts Śabbātha va Mosāe-śabbātha: saṇavāra va aneka śubha-prasaṅgī lāgaṇāryā Hibru gāṇyāñcẽ va vidhīce pustaka (Marāṭhī lipīnta) Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Liturgy; Sabbath; Texts Simahātha torācyā gāṇyāñcẽ: Marāṭhī lipīnta Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Liturgy; Sabbath; Simḥat Torah; Texts The literary creativity of the Jews of Cochin on the Malabar coast Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Jews; Publications Isrāelī Vidhīcẽ pustaka: Marāṭhī lipīnta Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Sabbath Isrāelī vidhīce pustaka: Marāṭhī lipīnta Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Sabbath; Siddurim Isrāelī vidhīce pustaka: Marāṭhī lipīnta Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Sabbath; Siddurim Proceedings of the 2nd Annual General Meeting of the members, subscribers, doners [sic] &c. of the Jewish Boys' and Girls' school, for 1882: held at the synagogue Beth-oel, at 5-30 p.m. on Monday the 26th February 1883 Tags: Corporation reports Saṅgīta Dāniela, athavā, Dāniyalācẽ mānasika dhairya yā nāṁvācyā kheḷānta yeṇārī gāṇīṁ Tags: Bible plays; Daniel; India; Verse drama Isavī sana 1876 sālacā Isrāela Lokāñcyā Paropakārī Maṇḍaḷīcā tevisāvā vārshika riporṭa Tags: Bene-Israel; Charities; Corporation reports; Endowment reports; India The twenty fourth annual report of the Bene-Israel benevolent Society for 1877 Tags: Bene-Israel; Charities; Corporation reports; Endowment reports; India The second annual report of the Israelite school of the Anglo-Jewish Association for 1882-1883: Isrāelī śāḷecā sana 1882-83 cā dusarā vārshika reporṭa Isrāelī śaka 5642-43 Tags: Corporation reports Bene-Isrāela strīmaṇḍaḷācā dusarā vārshika riporṭa: 1914-15 Tags: Bene-Israel; Corporation reports; India The "Shaare Rason" Synagogue, Bombay: "Śāāre Rāsona" (navẽ) prārthanā mandira, Mumbaī, sana 1919 te sana 1924 akhera paryantace mandirācyā hiśobāce takte Tags: Bombay; Corporation reports; India; Synagogues The Jewish minister: Dhī Jyuīśa Minisṭara Tags: India; Jews; Periodicals Seder Teḥinat Yiśraʼel: la-yamim Rosh ha-Shanah ule-Yom Kipur Tags: Liturgy; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts; Yom Kippur Lithographed items from Cochin: Psalm 8, a prayer in Hebrew, a prayer in Aramaic and the Hebrew alphabet on separate sheets of unknown date Tags: Alphabet; Hebrew language; India; Prayers Hagadah Pesaḥ [manuscript] Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts El raḥum shemakh, El ḥanun shemakh Tags: India; Liturgy; Piyutim; Texts; Yom Kippur Musaf shel yamim noraʼim Tags: High Holidays; India; Judaism Liturgy; Repentance; Siddurim; Texts Timetable and ordering of places in synagogue Tags: Synagogue seating; Tables Balaʻ ha-mot la-netsaḥ: dine goses Tags: Bene-Israel; Death and burial; India; Jewish mourning customs; Prayers; Prayers and devotions The ritual of the B'nai B'rith Lodge of India: no. 2626, with the authority of the supreme Lodge of the B'nai B'rith Photographs of Synagogues in India: including one photograph of a cemetery and three photographs depicting people Tags: India; Photographs; Synagogues Ḳol Bumbai: Kol Bombay Tags: Jewish ethics; Judaism The elementary Hebrew reader Tags: Hebrew language; India; Readers (Primary); Textbooks for foreign speakers Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 13 June 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 2 July 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 3 August 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 4 September 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 5 October 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 6 November 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 7 December 1947 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 11 April 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 8 January 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 9 February 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 10 March 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. II. No. 12 May 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 1 June 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 2 July 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 3 August 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 4 September 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 6 November 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 7 December 1948 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Shema: The Organ of the Jewish Association of Calcutta Vol. III. No. 8 January 1949 Tags: India; Periodicals; Zionism Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2