Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Tehilim: Pavitra śāstrāntalīṁ gītẽ: yā muḷacyā Ibarī bhāshentīla granthācẽ sādhẽ Marāṭhī bhāshāntara Morning service, prayers before retiring to sleep, and the thirteen principles of faith Tags: Creeds; Judaism; Prayers Seder Shevaḥot shel kol ha-shanah Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Piyutim Megilat Ester: Esterace pustaka The Hebrew religion library. V. 1 Tags: Christian converts from Judaism; India Bombay; Jewish Christians; Jewish ethics Hagadah shel Pesaḥ: The institution of Passover = Valhāṇḍaṇa saṇācẽ nirūpaṇa Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Seliḥot ʻim Hatarat nedarim ṿe-tashlikh: The propitiatory prayer, the remission of vows, and the prayer offered on the sea shore Tags: High Holidays; India; Judaism Liturgy; Liturgy; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts Śalamonānẽ kelelyā gītāñcyā kavitecẽ pustaka Berit milah u-fidyon ha-ben: Isrāelāñcā janmavidhi Tags: Berit milah; Circumcision; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Religious aspects Judaism Catalogue of Hebrew, English & Marathi books, Jewish illustrated postcards, New Year cards, &c. &c. &c. sold by Jacob and Company Tags: Bibliography; Bibliography Catalogs; Catalogs; Hebrew literature; India; Jewish literature Tafsir ʻalā Toratenu ha-ḳedoshah: kif qadr Mosheh Rabenu yanzilhā min ʻand bore ʻolam wa-ʻaṭāhā le-Yiśraʼel Tags: Moses Idra Zuta, or, The lesser Holy assembly Tags: Cabala Derush be-ʻinyan ha-emunah ha-amitit: manqul min "Kur Matsref" wa-mutarjam min ʻIbrānī ilā lisān ʻArabi be-ḥurūf ʻIbrāni la-ajil musʼaʻadat talāmid ʻilm al Ḳabalah Tags: Cabala; India; Textbooks Devan el Mathee: an Arabian tale in Arabic (in Hebrew characters) Tags: Fiction Dewan el Rahban: an Arabian tale in Arabic (in Hebrew characters) Tags: Fiction Introduction to the Kabalah: a reprint Tags: Cabala; India; Textbooks Canticum canticorum: The song of Solomon, interlineary translation from the Hebrew into Arabic (in Hebrew characters) Shomer emunim: awal baḥth fī ʻilm al-Qabalah, mutarjam min ʻIbrāni ilā lisān ʻArabi le-ajil musāʻadat talāmid ʻilm al Qabalah Tags: Cabala; Textbooks The Psalms of David: in Marathi metre The Psalms of David: in Marathi metre Hagadat Bene Yiśraʼel: The Haggadah of the Bene Israel of India Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Cochin Synagogue quater centenary souvenir: 25th Kislev 5729/15th December 1968 Tags: History; India Cochin; Jews; Synagogues Dharmopadeśa. Pt. 1 Tags: Judaism; Religious sermons Master Truth: forgery of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" exposed Tags: Conspiracies Seder Sharḥ Ekhah bil ʻArabi: ke-minhag ʻare Bagdad ṿe-khol agapeha ṿe-ʻare Indiya Kerala and her Jews Tags: History; India Kerala; Jews; Kerala (India) Ḳol ha-Shofar: Qoul ha-Shofar: Judaism. Special issue: Avichail's visit Tags: India; Judaism; Periodicals Zion's messenger: Mevaśer Tsiyon Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals; Zionism The Jewish Advocate: the only Jewish paper in India, organ of the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish National Fund) & the Bombay Zionist Association Tags: Bene-Israel; Israel; Judaism; Periodicals; Zionism The Jewish Bulletin: official organ of the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish National Fund) & the Bombay Zionist Association Tags: Bene-Israel; Israel; Judaism; Periodicals; Zionism Hafṭarat Tishʻah be-Av Tags: Judaism Liturgy; Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Repentance; Texts Lekha Eli teshuḳati, bekha ḥeshḳi ṿe-ahavati Tags: India; Piyutim Tefilah naʼah: u-mesugal le-omrah ḳodem ṿe-aḥar hadlaḳat nerot Shabat ḳodesh ṿe-yamim ṭovim Tags: Fasts and feasts; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Shabbat Service for the Eve of New Years Tags: India; Liturgy; Piyutim; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts Service for the New Years Tags: Liturgy; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts Kutonot or, hu, Sefer ʻEn Yaʻaḳov: ʻim kol perush Rashi asher lo nidpas me-ʻolam ṿe-ʻad ʻatah ṿe-hogah be-hagahah meduyeḳet uve-hashgaḥah peraṭit Sefer ha-Maʻaśiyot Tags: Short stories ʻAvodat ha-Shabat: mi-de shabat be-shabato yavo kol baśar le-hishtaḥaṿot ule-ḥalot et pene ha-Adon H. Elohe Yiśraʼel Tags: Liturgy; Sabbat; Texts Sefer Ḥuḳat ha-Pesaḥ, ṿe-hu, Hagadah shel lel Pesaḥ: ʻim kamah maʻalot ṭovot, tefilot mi-sefer ḥemdat yamim ṿe-zulato, ṿe-dinim shayakhim le-veʻur ḥamets ule-Pesaḥ lemaʻan lo yeḥsar kol bo Tags: Haggadot; India Calcutta; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Hafṭarat Tishʻah be-Av Tags: Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Texts Masekhet Avot: ṿe-hi pirḳe musar ṿe-ḥokhmah she-nohagin Yiśraʻel li-ḳrotan be-shesh shabatot she-ben he-Pesaḥ le-ʻatseret ʻim biʻurim bi-leshon ʻArvi li-zkhut et ha-rabim li-shmoaʻ ule-havin li-lmod ule-lamed et naʻare vene Yiśraʼel ha-neʻimim ṿeha-neʼehavim ṿe-hamon ha-ʻam ṿeha-nashim la-daʻat ḥokhmah u-musar tsedeḳ u-mishpaṭ u-mesharim Tags: Jewish ethics da Safra de-adam ḳadmaʼah she-natan lo Raziʼel ha-malʼakh: zeh ha-Shaʻar le-5 tsadiḳim yavoʼu bo la-ʻalot bi-mesilah Tags: Adam kadmon; Cabala Sefer Ḥuḳat ha-Pesaḥ, ṿe-hu, Hagadah shel lel Pesaḥ: ʻim kamah maʻalot ṭovot tefilot mi-sefer Ḥemdat yamim ṿe-zulato ṿe-dinim ha-shayakhim le-viʻur ḥamets Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Sefer Haḳafot le-śimḥat ha-Torah: be-otiyot gedolot ʻenayim meʼirot le-fazez ule-kharker li-fene Elohenu śimḥah shel mitsṿah, uve-sofo shirim u-fiyuṭim le-shorer ule-zamer be-ḳol rinah ṿe-todah ben kol haḳafah ṿe-haḳafah Tags: Judaism; Liturgy; Prayer-books and devotions; Simḥat Torah; Texts Sefer Ḥuḳat ha-Pesaḥ, ṿe-hu, Hagadah shel lel Pesaḥ: ʻim kamah maʻalot ṭovot tefilot mi-sefer Ḥemdat yamim ṿe-zulato ṿe-dinim ha-shayakhim le-viʻur ḥamets ule-Pesaḥ, ṿe-ameru rabotenu u-minyan she-natan lanu Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Sefer Shaʻare ḳedushah, ṿe-hu, Ḳitsur hilkhot sheḥiṭah: u-ṭerefot ha-reʼah mi-dinim ha-metsuyim ṿeha-regilim tamid be-khol yom Tags: Dietary laws; India; Jews; Shehitah Tefilat bet ʻalmin: kefi mah she-nohagim lomar be-ʻir ha-ḳedoshah Ḥevron, tibaneh ṿe-tikonen bi-meherah be-yamenu amen Tags: Israel Hebron; Jewish mourning customs; Purity, Ritual Sefer ha-Pizmonim: shiru la-H. barakhu shemo; ʻadat ḳadosh ḥevlo ṿe-ʻamo Tags: India; Piyutim Sefer ha-Pizmonim: shiru la-H. barakhu shemo Tags: Jewish religious poetry Sefer ha-Yashar, ṿe-hu, Sefer mi-sifre ha-ḳodesh: ḥibur Mosheh ṿi-Yehoshuaʻ ṿe-atsile vene Yiśraʼel Tags: Jewish ethics Sefer Shir ha-Shirim: ʻim targum Yonatan ben ʻUziʼel ṿe-perush bi-leshon Yiśmaʼel maspiḳ le-kol nefesh ha-mishtoḳeḳet li-reṿot li-reṿot tsimʼonah ba-sefer ha-neḥmad ha-zeh Ḳinot le-tishʻah be-Av: ke-minhag Teman Tags: Judaism; Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Texts; Yemen Aden Sefer Ben Sira Ḳinot le-tishʻah be-Av Tags: Judaism; Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Texts Siman 1: Yaḳum ba-boḳer Tags: Shulhan Arukh Hilkhot Sheḥiṭah u-vediḳah: ʻiḳre pisḳe dine sheḥiṭah ṿe-dine ha-sakin ṿe-din kisui ha-dam u-pisḳe dine kol sheʼar ṭerefiyof sheba-behemah ṿe-ḥayah ṿe-ʻof mi-kaf regel ṿe-ʻad rosh Tags: Dietary laws; India; Jews; Shehitah The form of daily prayers: according to the custom of the Sepharadeem Jews as read in their Synagogues and used in their families. Vol. 1 Tags: India; Jews; Siddurim Yiśraʼel: The Israel = Isrāela Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals An account of Queen Esther Tags: Esther An account of the death of Moses Tags: Moses Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2