Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added An account of the death of Moses Tags: Moses The Israelite: Yiśraʼel = Isrāela Tags: India; Jews; Periodicals Susvara lagnānta striyānnī mhaṇaṇyācī gāṇī āṇi strī purushāñcī nāvẽ gheṇyācī paddhata Tags: Epithalamia; India; Jews; Songs and music Marāṭhī lipīnta Haggādā Śela Pesāha Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Hibru va Marāṭhī Simahātha Toryāñcīṁ gitẽ: Marāṭhī uccārāṁsahita Tags: India; Piyutim; Simḥat Torah The Bene-Israelite: Bene Isrāela Tags: India; Periodicals ha-Luaḥ ha-ʻIvrit: li-shenat 5695, shenat ḥameshet alafim ṿe-shesh meʼot ṿe-tiśʻim ṿa-ḥamishah ... = Hebrew calendar for the year 5695 [1934-1935] Tags: Calendar, Jewish; India; Jewish devotional calendars; Tables Sefer Seliḥot: ʻim Hatarat nedarim Tags: India; Judaism Liturgy; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts Or ḥuḳat bene Yiśraʼel: Isrāelī bāla dharma-dīpa Tags: Bene-Israel; Children's periodicals; India; Periodicals Sefer Seder ṿe-Tashlikh: le-yom rishon shel Rosh ha-Shanah Tags: India; Liturgical books; Liturgy; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts Birkat ha-ḥamah Tags: India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Teḥinat Yiśraʼel: zeh seder Yehi Ratson she-nohagim liḳro be-yom Rosh ha-Shanah kefi nosaḥ ha-Sefaradim ʻim targum Inglish = the Order of service of Yehi Ratson read on both the New Year days according to the custom of Sefardim Jews Tags: Prayer-books and devotions; Rosh ha-Shanah; Yom Kippur Hagadah shel Pesaḥ: Pesāha saṇācẽ varṇana = Service for the first two nights of Passover Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts The daily Prayers Tags: India; Judaism; Prayers; Siddurim Sefer Zimre Yiśraʼel: kolel shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot la-melekh ... tishbaḥot shire tiḳṿah u-fizmonim ṿe-haḳafot shel Śimḥat Torah Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Simḥat Torah Seder Seliḥot: ʻim Hatarat nedarim = The propitiatory prayer and remission of vows Tags: India; Judaism Liturgy; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts Pizmonim le-Śimḥat ha-Torah: ke-minhag ... Bagdad Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Piyutim; Simḥat Torah [Baḳashot le-Yom ha-Kipurim ke-minhag Ḳots'in Tags: India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Yom Kippur Seder ʻAvodah le-Yom ha-Kipurim Tags: India; Liturgy; Prayers; Texts; Yom Kippur El erekh apayim Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Siddurim Piyutim with Malayalam translation Tags: India; Judaism; Piyutim; Repentance [Tefilah le-hadlaḳat ha-ner be-ʻarve shabatot ṿe-yamim ṭovim: kefi minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Ḳots'in, ʻim targum Malabari] Tags: India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Sabbath Seder Minḥat Śimḥat Torah: u-tefilat minḥah ṿa-shir shel minḥah ṿe-shirot shel motsaʼe Śimḥat Torah kefi minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Ḳog'in Tags: Liturgy; Simạt Torah; Texts Isrāelī suntecā vidhi āṇi suntecyā kāyadyāñcẽ nirupaṇa Tags: Circumcision; Religious aspects Judaism Sefer Teḥinot u-segulot ṿe-derekh erets Tags: Tehinnot Prayer book for Jewish sailors and soldiers Tags: India; Siddurim Ranenot yehalel pi: kolel yehi ratson le-hotsaʼat sefer Torah be-Rosh ha-Shanah, Kipur, ṿe-moʻadim, shirim, ṿe-ḳadish u-mi she-berakh Tags: Siddurim Bene Israel occasional thoughts. V. 1 Tags: Bene-Israel; Corporation reports; India; Reviews Tables of Hebrew grammatical forms: drawn up for the use of the Beni-Israel Tags: Bene-Israel; Grammar; Hebrew language; India Shaʻar ha-Shamayim: Śāāra Hāśśāmāīma: an account of Shaar Hasshamaim or Gate of Heaven, the Jewish synagogue in Tanna Tags: Corporation reports; India; Synagogues Bene Isrāela lokāntīla jñātī bhedāvishayīṁ vicāra. Pt. 1 Tags: Bene Israel; Caste; India Hādhi al-Kitāb qismat al-awalī min kitāb al Alf laylah ṿa-laylah Tags: Oriental tales Seder Hatarat nedarim: ke-minhag ... Bagdad Tags: High Holidays; Iraq Bagdad; Judaism; Liturgy; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Repentance; Texts Seder Ḳol teḥinah ṿe-seder Ṿidui ha-gadol: ke-minhag Bagdad Tags: Iraq Bagdad; Jewish religious poetry; Judaism; Liturgy; Repentance; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts; Yom Kippur Strī saundarya latikā: Ābālavr̥ddha strīpurushāñcyā satkālakshepārtha upayukta vishayāñcẽ māsika pustaka Tags: India; Periodicals Shire ranenut: shel yamim ṭovim ṿe-shabatot shel ḥupah ṿe-shel milah, yehi ratson le-hotset sefer Torah shel Moʻadim, ṿe-Rosh ha-Shanah, ṿe-Kipur, ṿe-Rosh Ḥodesh, arbaʻah kelilin be-ʻidana ṿe-saliḳ Tags: India; Jews; Piyutim; Prayers; Songs and music Sefer Tefilot ha-ḥodesh: ke-minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Sefaradim bi-leshonenu ha-ḳedoshah uvi-leshon Maraṭi asher kamo-hu lo hayah me-ʻolam Tags: India; Siddurim Baḳashot: be-ʻaśarah yeme teshuvah = Paścāttāpācyā divasānta Īśvarīguṇa varṇilyāpūrvī karāyācī vinantī Tags: India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Repentance The confession of sins: on the Jewish Day of Atonement Tags: Judaism Liturgy; Liturgy; Repentance; Texts; Yom Kippur The Jewish propitiatory prayer, or, A prayer for the forgiveness of sins Tags: India; Judaism Liturgy; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts The Jewish marriage cerimony Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Jews; Marriage customs and rites The prayers of the Jewish New Year's day Tags: India; Liturgy; Mahzorim; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts The remission of vows and the prayer offered on the sea shore Tags: India; Judaism; Repentance; Rosh ha-Shanah The history of Antiochus Epiphanes, or, The institution of the Feast of Dedication: Megilat Anṭiyokhus Tags: Antiochus; Hanukkah; History The prayers of the day of atonement Tags: India; Liturgy; Mahzorim; Texts; Yom Kippur The Ethics of the fathers: Pirḳe Avot = Sadguruvacanẽ athavā Nītiśāstra Tags: Commentaries; Jewish Ethics; Mishnah The prayers of the five Jewish fasts Tags: Fasting; India; Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Prayer-books; Religious aspects Judaism; Siddurim; Texts Moʻadim: The prayers of the three great Jewish festivals Tags: India; Liturgy; Mahzorim; Pilgrim Festivals (Judaism); Texts Isrāelū tīna moṭhyā saṇāñcyā: āṇi upavāsācyā prārthanece marāṭhī bhāshāntara va spashṭīkaraṇa-ṭīpā Tags: India; Liturgy; Mahzorim; Pilgrim Festivals (Judaism); Texts Sefer Ḥoḳ le-Yiśraʼel: ʻim perush Agid ḥuḳekha Tags: Jewish ethics The Bene-Israel annual and year book: 5677-5678, 1st April 1917-31st March 1918 Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Periodicals Nofet: mah matoḳ mi-davash = Nophetha (madhukośa) Tags: Bene-Israel; Children's periodicals; India; Periodicals Aṭharāśẽ varshāmpūrvīṁ: Siknīnace rābbī Hānāniyā Ben Terādiyona yāñcī goshṭa Tags: Hananiah, Teradyon Simahatha-torācyā gāṇyāñcẽ pustaka Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry; Simḥat Torah Tehilim: Tehillīma-Dāvidācī gīte A catechism of religious and moral instruction for children of the Hebrew faith Tags: Bene-Israel; Conduct of life; Texts Ḥupat ḥatanim ke-minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Temanim: kolel ʻinyanim, halelim, ḥiduyot, nishṿud ṿe-shirot Tags: Jewish religious poetry; Marriage (Jewish law); Marriage customs and rites, Jewish; Piyutim; Yemen Aden Ḥupat ḥatanim ha-niḳra Shirah ṿe-zimrah: kolel shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot ... ṿe-rovam Tags: Jewish religious poetry; Marriage (Jewish law); Marriage customs and rites, Jewish; Piyutim; Yemen Aden Jagācyā utpatticā itihāsa, agara, Prathama purusha "Ādāmākhyāna" Tags: Adam; Bible plays; India; Verse drama, Marathi The Israelite Society: Ḥevrat Yiśraʼel = Isrāela Samāja Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Jews; Periodicals Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2