Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Daftar tawziʻ rasam Badalāt al-ʻAskariyah Tags: Account books; Iraq; Jews; Military registers Daftar tawziʻ Badalāt al-askariyah: lal-Millat al-Musawiyah li-sanat 1308 Tags: Account books; Iraq; Jews; Military registers Daftar Risālat al-Ḥisāb: la yakhfā ann ʻilm al-ḥisāb hu alzam jamiʻ al-ʻilm lal-Insān Tags: Arithmetic; Iraq; Textbooks Ḍabṭ al-Awqāt: la-medinat Baghdād Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Iraq Ḍabṭ al-Awqāt: ḥasab sāʻat al-faranjiyah la-medinat Baghdād Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Iraq Dabar be-'itto: a series of prints on Jewish subjects Tags: Jews; Judaism da Safra de-adam ḳadmaʼah she-natan lo Raziʼel ha-malʼakh: zeh ha-Shaʻar le-5 tsadiḳim yavoʼu bo la-ʻalot bi-mesilah Tags: Adam kadmon; Cabala Curiosities of Judaism: ha-Nistarot ṿeha-niglot = Yehudī dharmātīla navalācẽ vr̥tta Tags: Judaism Contacts between the Bene Israel and the Holy Land from the 8th century B.C.E. until 1948 Tags: Bene-Israel; History; Palestine Colonel Wahab's notes on the Jews serving in the Bombay army Tags: 8th (Bombay); Bene-Israel; Great Britain; India; Military service, Army. Regiment of Native Infantry Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch: with preliminary remarks containing an exact description of the manuscript and a notice of some others (Hebrew and Syriac) collected by the Rev. Buchanan in the year 1806 and now deposited in the public library, Cambridge, and a collation and description of a ms. roll of the book of Esther, and the Megillah of Ahasuerus from the Hebrew copy originally extant in Brazen Tablets of Goa on the Malabar coast Tags: Bible; England Cambridge; India; Jews; Manuscripts; Manuscripts, Hebrew Cochin Synagogue quater centenary souvenir: 25th Kislev 5729/15th December 1968 Tags: History; India Cochin; Jews; Synagogues Choṭyā saṁsthānace baḍe kārabhārī Tags: Bene-Israel; Biography; India; Khan Bahadur Jacob ben Israel Children's devotional services: Israelite school, Bombay = Mulānnīṁ karaṇyācyā prārthanā Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; Liturgy Texts; Prayer-books and devotions Children's devotional services: Israelite school, Bombay = Mulānnīṁ karaṇyācyā prārthanā Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; liturgy Texts; Prayer books and devotions Children's devotional services: based mainly on Bloch Publishing Co.'s 'Children services' by Rudolph Grossman, Rabbi of Temple Rodeph Sholom, New York Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; Liturgy Texts; Prayer-books and devotions Chhelbatáoo and Mohonárání: a Mart́hí farce Tags: Drama; India Certificate of the Grand Rabbinate of Eretz Israel Tags: Certification; Matzos Centenary celebrations: the Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue Bombay, 1884-1984 Tags: Centennial celebrations; First day covers; India Bombay; India Cochin; Synagogues Centenary celebration: 1884-1984 Tags: Anniversaries Liturgy; Synagogues; Texts Catalogue of Hebrew, English & Marathi books, Jewish illustrated postcards, New Year cards, &c. &c. &c. sold by Jacob and Company Tags: Bibliography; Bibliography Catalogs; Catalogs; Hebrew literature; India; Jewish literature Canticum canticorum: The song of Solomon, interlineary translation from the Hebrew into Arabic (in Hebrew characters) Calendar for 94 years: from the year 1893 to 1986 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Bustanāy: hal ḥikayye qadīmī min ayām al geʼonim z. l. wa-tarjamnh̄ā min lashon ha-ḳodesh le-lashon ha-ʻArvi al sālikh liʻajli yafhamūhā al hamonim ragil wa-naswān wa-aṭfāl Tags: Bustanai ben Ḥaninai Bumbai ha-yom ḥamishi shishah ʻaśar ... raḥamim shenat atem nitsavim ha-yom seder barukh atah be-voʼekha [manuscript] Buletino del Ospital nasional israelita "Or ha-ḥayim", egzersisio 1922. Buletino del Ospital nasional israelita "Or ha-ḥayim", egzersisio 1922. Tags: Hospitals -- Turkey; Jews -- Health and hygiene; Ladino literature Buletino del Ospital nasional israelita "Or ha-ḥayim", egzersisio 1922. Tags: Hospitals -- Turkey, Jews -- Health and hygiene, Ladino literature Buketo de istorias. Buketo de istorias. Tags: Ladino literature Buketo de istorias. Tags: Ladino literature Budǧeto por el egzersisio 1934 Budǧeto por el egzersisio 1934 Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē; Ladino literature Budǧeto por el egzersisio 1934 Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē, Ladino literature Budǧeto ordinario dela komunita Izraelita por el egzersisio 1933. Budǧeto ordinario dela komunita Izraelita por el egzersisio 1933. Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē; Ladino literature Budǧeto ordinario dela komunita Izraelita por el egzersisio 1933. Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē, Ladino literature Budǧeto ordinario dela komunita Izraelita por el egzersisio 1929 Budǧeto ordinario dela komunita Izraelita por el egzersisio 1929 Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē; Ladino literature Budǧeto ordinario dela komunita Izraelita por el egzersisio 1929 Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē, Ladino literature Boneh Yerushalayim Boneh Yerushalayim Boneh Yerushalayim Bombay Women's Work Guild: annual report 1941 Tags: Bombay Women's Work Guild; Corporation reports; India Bola flama Bola flama Tags: Ladino literature Bola flama Tags: Ladino literature Blessing said after Mosae Sabbath, or, Relief of vow according to the opinion of Beni-Israel: and praise after the monthly appearance of the moon Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Religious life; Rosh Hodesh; Sabbath Birkat ner shel Ḥanukah Tags: Hanukkah; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Birkat ha-mazon Tags: Grace at meals; Judaism; Prayers and devotions Birkat ha-ilanot Tags: Benediction; Judaism; Prayers and devotions; Religious aspects Judaism; Trees Birkat ha-ḥamah Tags: India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Binah la-ʻitim ṿe-luaḥ shanim di reʻashim u-reʻamim ... mi-shenat 5581 ṿa-elakh. Binah la-ʻitim ṿe-luaḥ shanim di reʻashim u-reʻamim ... mi-shenat 5581 ṿa-elakh. Tags: Jews -- Folklore; Ladino literature; Omens Binah la-ʻitim ṿe-luaḥ shanim di reʻashim u-reʻamim ... mi-shenat 5581 ṿa-elakh. Tags: Jews -- Folklore, Ladino literature, Omens Bilanso de la komunita del egzersisio 1932 komparativamente al budǧeto aprovado por el konsilio komunal. Bilanso de la komunita del egzersisio 1932 komparativamente al budǧeto aprovado por el konsilio komunal. Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē; Ladino literature Bilanso de la komunita del egzersisio 1932 komparativamente al budǧeto aprovado por el konsilio komunal. Tags: Jews -- Greece -- Thessalonikē, Ladino literature Bigde shesh [helek rishon] ve-kholel Ets Avot, Arve nahal Bigde shesh [helek rishon] ve-kholel Ets Avot, Arve nahal Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2