Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Hafṭarat Shemot Tags: India; Liturgy; Sabbath Simane neviʼim u-khetuvim Tags: Bible; India; Liturgical use Kāmadr̥shṭi: kiṁvā striyāṅkaḍe pāpī najarenẽ pāhaṇyācā nīca prakāra Tags: Courtship; India; Jewish ethics; Manners and customs Jews; Religious aspects Judaism; Sex role Hebrew calendar for the years 1884-1888 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables la-Menatseaḥ mizmor le-Daṿid: H. be-ʻezrekha yiśmaḥ melekh Qawānīn bet ha-keneset Eliyahu Tags: India Bombay; Organization and administration; Synagogues Tefilat ʻArvit shel ḥol Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Siddurim Ṿe-yatsa peraḥ ṿa-yatsets tsits Tags: India; Jews; Periodicals Curiosities of Judaism: ha-Nistarot ṿeha-niglot = Yehudī dharmātīla navalācẽ vr̥tta Tags: Judaism Maʻaśeh nisim: minḥah ʻarvit, shaḥarit hemah negdekha sidurim yaḥad meturgamim ... meʻa sharḥ bil ʻArabi Tags: Judaism; Sephardic rite; Siddurim Sefher Yesirah: The book of creation, interlineary translation from Hebrew into Arabic (in Hebrew characters) Tags: Cabala; Jewish mysticism; Texts Tefilat ʻarvit: daily evening prayer Tags: India; Siddurim Seder Ḳol teḥinah ṿe-seder Ṿidui gadol: ke-minhag Bagdad Tags: Judaism; Liturgy; Prayers and devotions; Repentance; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts Seder Hagadah shel Pesaḥ: be-otiyot gedolot ʻim sharḥ ka-asher ʻene ha-ḳore taḥazinah mesharim Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Mevaśer: Mabāssera, mhaṇaje Suvārttika = The Evangelist Tags: India; Periodicals Sefer Zikhron le-ṭovah: le-hitpalel li-fene Shokhen ha-ʻelyon ba-ʻerev ṿe-tsohorayim be-yom ha-zikhron baḳashot le-hamtiḳ dina ḳashya le-rifyon Tags: India; Judaism; Prayer-books and devotions; Siddurim Haḳafot le-Śimḥat Torah Tags: Hakafoth; India; Rosh ha-Shanah Dinim u-minhagim Tags: Commentaries; Customs and practices; Jewish ethics; Judaism; Shulḥan ʻarukh The voice of Sinai: "cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the House of Jacob their sins" - Isaiah 58:1 Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals Seder Teḥinat Yaʻaḳov ṿe-seder Ṿidui ha-gadol: ke-fi minhag ʻi. ṿ. be-Y. Bagdad y. ʻa. E. ʻim targum Inglish Tags: India; Judaism; Liturgy Texts; Prayers and devotions; Repentance; Rosh ha-Shanah; Siddurim; Yom Kippur Derush le-yom ḥinukh bet Talmud Torah: asher nityased me-et ha-g. ... Yehudah Menaḥem Mosheh le-ḳahal ḳadosh ʻAden, 2 de-Rosh Ḥodesh Adar sheni, shenat 5673 Tags: addresses, adresses, etc; Speeches, etc; Yemen; Yemen Aden, Jewish religious schools; Speeches The Jewish Messenger: published every fortnight Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals Līlāvilāsa-grantha-mālikā. Pushpa 1 lẽ Tags: Fiction Seder Tefilah ṿe-taḥanunim: be-maʼamar ha-melekh ... li-teshuʻat anshe tsivʼotenu ba-maḳhelot be-yom Shabat Ḳodesh = The Great War. order of intercession service on Shabbath, January 2, 1915 Tags: 1939-1945, India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; World War Dabar be-'itto: a series of prints on Jewish subjects Tags: Jews; Judaism B. H. n. ṿ. fī bayān ṣafat al miting maʻamad: aladhi sār yawm al aḥad tisʻa Adar Rishon shenat ha-5676 mawāfiq yawm talaṭàsar Februṿari 1917 fī bet ha-keneset Magen Daṿid Tags: Bombay; Conference proceedings; Conference Proceedings; India; Judaism; Religious gatherings Order of Service for Passover (Haggada) Tags: Haggadot; India; Liturgy; Passover; Seder; Texts Report of the 1st Bene-Israel conference Tags: Bene-Israel; Conference reports; Congresses; India Hibru & Marathi songs: Marāṭhī va Hibru lipīnta gitāñcẽ pustaka Tags: India; Jewish religious poetry Seder Rinah ṿe-todah: ḥag Yovel shenat ha-meʼah le-mosad bet tefilah li-Vene Yiśraʼel be-ʻir Kalkuta ... ule-reshit hosadam la-ḳehilah be-yom 15 Iyar 591 Tags: Anniversaries; Jewish community centers; Synagogues Luaḥ ha-ʻIbur: sanah khamsah be-ḥisāb li-yahūd ... min rās shahr Tishri ha-5693 ilā ... Elul ha-5697 li-yetsirah mawāfiq awal Oktober 1932 ilā 5th Siptimber 1937 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables The Jewish Tribune: the organ of Indian Jewry Tags: India; Jews; Periodicals Seder Tefilah ṿe-taḥanunim: yom tsom 17 Tamuz bi-shenat ki beno baḥarta = A service of prayer and intercession on behalf of the sufferers from the renewed attack on religion and human freedom, Sunday, 17th July, 1938 Tags: Elegiac poetry; Europe; India; Jews; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Luaḥ ha-ʻibur: me-al sanah khamsah min sanat Tishri 5708 ila tāli Elul 5712 = from 15th September 1947 to 19th September 1952 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables The revelation of Elijah (Pethihath Eliyahoo): introduction to the "Greater and the Lesser Holy Assemblies," being the fundamental principles of the Qabalah, and the formula of faith according to Elijah the prophet Tags: Cabala; Judaism Bene Isarāela bāndhavāṅkaritāṁ Pahelī bheṭa Tags: Customs and practices; India; Judaism; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Stotrasaṁhitā: mūla Ibrī bhāshentīla granthācẽ Marāṭhīnta bhāshāntara Makkābī Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Judaism; Periodicals Innum naleyum: Malayalam translation of Hope of the children of Israel and Men of goodwill Mizraḥ: Mizrach, West East Tags: India; Periodicals The Jewish prayer book Tags: Judaism; Siddurim Centenary celebrations: the Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue Bombay, 1884-1984 Tags: Centennial celebrations; First day covers; India Bombay; India Cochin; Synagogues India perspectives Tags: India; Periodicals Ephemera from India, ritual slaughtering: six ephemera from Calcutta, Bombay and Cochin, dating from ca. 1860 to 1953, mostly manuscripts. Examination questions, licence and prayer for the ritual slaughterer; examination of a ritual slaughterer; letter from Menahem b. Mor Avi Evets Hizkiyahu; 2 documents relating to the Aliyah of the Cochin Jews of Ernakulam Ephemera from Calcutta, wedding poems: four poems for the grooms ʻAbdala Albert David Sason and Aharon Hai Nisim Yehezkel Yehudah, dating from around 1875, and for Binyamin Hai Avraham ha-Kohen and Eliyahu Avraham ha-Kohen, dated probably later than 1890 Tags: Epithalamia; India Ephemera from Calcutta: broadsheets lithographed by Shalom Yehoshuaʻ ʻIraḳi ha-Kohen: fifteen lithographed broadsheets containing piyutim for Yom Kippur, Yehi Ratson blessings to recite on the night of Rosh ha-Shanah, songs for Rosh ha-Shanah, prayers and Psalms for several occasions and an alphabet chart Tags: Judaism; Prayers and devotions Ephemera from India, charms: two broadsheets warding off illness and bad luck in giving birth and one broadsheet warding off demons and destruction Tags: Charms (Judaism); India Ephemera from Calcutta; Hanukkah and Rosh ha-Shanah: nine broadsheets, predominantly lithographs produced by Shalom Yehoshua Iraki ha-Kohen, containing Hanukkah blessings and Yehi Ratson prayers for Rosh ha-Shanah Ephemera from Calcutta: miscellaneous Ephemera from Bombay, prayers by Joseph Ezekiel Rajpurkar: five broadsheets with prayers for different occasions by Joseph Ezekiel Rajpurkar, and one anonymous broadsheet with a prayer for famine-stricken India Ephemera from Bombay related to Great Britain: ten broadsheets containing prayers, hymns and elegiac poetry pertaining to the members of the royal family of the British Empire and to the army of Great Britain, and an announcement of a party in honour of Lord Elphinstone Ephemera from Bombay: eight broadsheets for Rosh ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah and Purim Ephemera from Bombay: miscellaneous: 23 broadsheets from Bombay. Order of services from the Magen David Synagogue, diverse announcements, ordering of places in Synagogue, several hymns and poems, a school prize program, an alphabet chart, a synagogue dedication service, a letter in Malabari, blessings and hymns in honour of Jacob Eliyahu David Sassoon, the ten commandments, the thirteen chief principles of faith, a Hebrew language matriculation examination of Bombay University, a page from a book with pictures and text in English, and an appeal for funds by the Council of Indian Jewry Ephemera from Bombay, calendars: eight calendars published by the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue, the Bene-Israel Nirashrit Fund and the Magen Hassidim Synagogue, all situated in Bombay Ephemera from Bombay, the blessing of the sun: three booklets containing the blessing of the sun Ephemera from overseas, related to Indian Jewry: broadsheets stemming mostly from Israel and Gibraltar; some of unknown origin, most of them of uncertain date Sefer Shir ha-shirim: ʻim targum Yonatan ben ʻUziʼel u-ferush bi-leshon Yishmaʻʼel Maḥzor li-yeme ha-seliḥot ṿe-Hatarat nedarim: ke-minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Sefaradim kemo she-nidpas ba-ʻir Ḳonsṭanṭinah Tags: India; Judaism Liturgy; Mahzorim; Repentance; Seliḥot; Texts Shirot shel yamim ṭovim ṿe-shabatot: ke-minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Kog'in kemo she-katuv bo Tags: India; Liturgy; Piyutim; Sabbath Shirot shel yamim ṭovim ṿe-shabatot: ke-minhag ḳahal ḳadosh Ḳog'in kemo she-katuv bo Tags: High Holydays; India; Liturgy; Piyutim; Sabbath Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2