Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Buketo de istorias. Tags: Ladino literature Buketo de istorias. Buletino del Ospital nasional israelita "Or ha-ḥayim", egzersisio 1922. Tags: Hospitals -- Turkey, Jews -- Health and hygiene, Ladino literature Buletino del Ospital nasional israelita "Or ha-ḥayim", egzersisio 1922. Tags: Hospitals -- Turkey; Jews -- Health and hygiene; Ladino literature Buletino del Ospital nasional israelita "Or ha-ḥayim", egzersisio 1922. Bumbai ha-yom ḥamishi shishah ʻaśar ... raḥamim shenat atem nitsavim ha-yom seder barukh atah be-voʼekha [manuscript] Bustanāy: hal ḥikayye qadīmī min ayām al geʼonim z. l. wa-tarjamnh̄ā min lashon ha-ḳodesh le-lashon ha-ʻArvi al sālikh liʻajli yafhamūhā al hamonim ragil wa-naswān wa-aṭfāl Tags: Bustanai ben Ḥaninai Calendar for 94 years: from the year 1893 to 1986 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Canticum canticorum: The song of Solomon, interlineary translation from the Hebrew into Arabic (in Hebrew characters) Catalogue of Hebrew, English & Marathi books, Jewish illustrated postcards, New Year cards, &c. &c. &c. sold by Jacob and Company Tags: Bibliography; Bibliography Catalogs; Catalogs; Hebrew literature; India; Jewish literature Centenary celebration: 1884-1984 Tags: Anniversaries Liturgy; Synagogues; Texts Centenary celebrations: the Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue Bombay, 1884-1984 Tags: Centennial celebrations; First day covers; India Bombay; India Cochin; Synagogues Certificate of the Grand Rabbinate of Eretz Israel Tags: Certification; Matzos Chhelbatáoo and Mohonárání: a Mart́hí farce Tags: Drama; India Children's devotional services: based mainly on Bloch Publishing Co.'s 'Children services' by Rudolph Grossman, Rabbi of Temple Rodeph Sholom, New York Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; Liturgy Texts; Prayer-books and devotions Children's devotional services: Israelite school, Bombay = Mulānnīṁ karaṇyācyā prārthanā Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; liturgy Texts; Prayer books and devotions Children's devotional services: Israelite school, Bombay = Mulānnīṁ karaṇyācyā prārthanā Tags: Jewish children; Judaism; Juvenile literature; Liturgy Texts; Prayer-books and devotions Choṭyā saṁsthānace baḍe kārabhārī Tags: Bene-Israel; Biography; India; Khan Bahadur Jacob ben Israel Cochin Synagogue quater centenary souvenir: 25th Kislev 5729/15th December 1968 Tags: History; India Cochin; Jews; Synagogues Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch: with preliminary remarks containing an exact description of the manuscript and a notice of some others (Hebrew and Syriac) collected by the Rev. Buchanan in the year 1806 and now deposited in the public library, Cambridge, and a collation and description of a ms. roll of the book of Esther, and the Megillah of Ahasuerus from the Hebrew copy originally extant in Brazen Tablets of Goa on the Malabar coast Tags: Bible; England Cambridge; India; Jews; Manuscripts; Manuscripts, Hebrew Colonel Wahab's notes on the Jews serving in the Bombay army Tags: 8th (Bombay); Bene-Israel; Great Britain; India; Military service, Army. Regiment of Native Infantry Contacts between the Bene Israel and the Holy Land from the 8th century B.C.E. until 1948 Tags: Bene-Israel; History; Palestine Curiosities of Judaism: ha-Nistarot ṿeha-niglot = Yehudī dharmātīla navalācẽ vr̥tta Tags: Judaism da Safra de-adam ḳadmaʼah she-natan lo Raziʼel ha-malʼakh: zeh ha-Shaʻar le-5 tsadiḳim yavoʼu bo la-ʻalot bi-mesilah Tags: Adam kadmon; Cabala Dabar be-'itto: a series of prints on Jewish subjects Tags: Jews; Judaism Ḍabṭ al-Awqāt: ḥasab sāʻat al-faranjiyah la-medinat Baghdād Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Iraq Ḍabṭ al-Awqāt: la-medinat Baghdād Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Iraq Daftar Risālat al-Ḥisāb: la yakhfā ann ʻilm al-ḥisāb hu alzam jamiʻ al-ʻilm lal-Insān Tags: Arithmetic; Iraq; Textbooks Daftar tawziʻ Badalāt al-askariyah: lal-Millat al-Musawiyah li-sanat 1308 Tags: Account books; Iraq; Jews; Military registers Daftar tawziʻ rasam Badalāt al-ʻAskariyah Tags: Account books; Iraq; Jews; Military registers Daftar waridāt wa-musarifāt ḥevrat Tomkhe Torah: min Ibtidā shahr Iyar 72 ilā nihāyat elul 72 Tags: Account books; Charities Finance; Iraq; Jews Daftar waridāt wa-musarifāt Ḥevrat Zekhut ha-Rabim fi Baghdād: min ibtidā tashkil al-jamʻiyah shahr Adar bet 73 ilā nihāyat shahr tamuz 73 Tags: Account books; Charities Finance; Iraq; Jews Daftar waridāt wa-musarifāt Midrash Talmud Torah wa-Mulḥaqāthu fi Baghdād: min Ibtidā Mārt sanat [1]327 alā nihāyat Shevaṭ sanat [1]327 Tags: Account books; Finance; Iraq; Jewish religious schools Daftar waridāt wa-musarifāt mustashfa Meir Eliyas wa-mustashfa Rima Kaḍuri: wa-saydaliyat dāʼir al-mustashfayāt wa-mustawsafāt al-madāris min april 1931 le-jāyet marj 1932 Tags: Account books; Hospitals Finance; Iraq; Jews Daftar waridāt wa-musarifāt mustashfa Meir Eliyas wa-mustashfa Rima Kaḍuri: wa-saydaliyat dāʼir al-mustashfayāt wa-mustawsafāt al-madāris min april 1931 le-jāyet marj 1932 Tags: Account books; Baghdad; Finance; Hospitals; Iraq; Jews Daftar waridāt wa-musarifāt, Idārat Kolel Yeḥezqel ha-Navi: min Siwan 683 li-nihāyat Siwan 684 Tags: Account books; Charities Finance; Iraq; Jews Dāktara Syāmuela Jānasana yāñcyā pyāmbalara nāmẽ granthāntīla: navarādīnacā mulagā ālamāvalīna yācẽ varṇana Tags: Fiction Dameśeḳ Eliʻezer el es de dinim en Ladino yenas de kastigerio y konsežos buenos por ke sepa todo ombre komo deve de režirse... Tags: Judaism -- Customs and practices, Ladino literature Dameśeḳ Eliʻezer el es de dinim en Ladino yenas de kastigerio y konsežos buenos por ke sepa todo ombre komo deve de režirse... Dameśeḳ Eliʻezer el es de dinim en Ladino yenos de kastigerio y konsežos buenos por ke sepa todo ombre komo deve de režirse... Tags: Judaism -- Customs and practices, Ladino literature Dameśeḳ Eliʻezer el es de dinim en Ladino yenos de kastigerio y konsežos buenos por ke sepa todo ombre komo deve de režirse... Dānielācẽ mānasika dhairya: Mūla Freñc bhāshentūna Iṅgliśānta bhāshāntara kelelyā "Daniel in the lion's den." yā pustakācẽ bhāshāntara Tags: Bible plays; Daniel; India Darkhe ha-adam el rov de sus palavras son de el Sefer ha-berit ḥeleḳ sheni maʼamar 13 ke se yama Ahavat reʻim, y un poko de musar... Tags: Jewish ethics, Ladino literature Darkhe ha-adam el rov de sus palavras son de el Sefer ha-berit ḥeleḳ sheni maʼamar 13 ke se yama Ahavat reʻim, y un poko de musar... Dat Yehudit ...dinim be-lashon Arvi Dat Yehudit ...dinim be-lashon Arvi Dat Yehudit ...dinim be-lashon Arvi Dat Yehudit ...dinim be-lashon ʻArvi... Dat yehudit... Tags: Jewish law, Ladino literature, Women in Judaism Dat yehudit... Tags: Jewish law; Ladino literature; Women in Judaism Dat yehudit... Davar be-ʻito Derekh ḥayim Tags: Customs and practices; Jewish law; Judaism Derekh ḥayim Tags: Customs and practices; Judaism Derekh ḥayim Tags: Customs and practices; Jewish law; Judaism Derekh tsedaḳah sovre tres pilares asementado, torah ʻavodah tsedaḳah el mundo sovre el fraguado... Tags: Jewish ethics, Ladino literature Derekh tsedaḳah sovre tres pilares asementado, torah ʻavodah tsedaḳah el mundo sovre el fraguado... Derush : li-menuhat ... Yehudah ben Zeevi G anah Derush be-ʻinyan ha-emunah ha-amitit: manqul min "Kur Matsref" wa-mutarjam min ʻIbrānī ilā lisān ʻArabi be-ḥurūf ʻIbrāni la-ajil musʼaʻadat talāmid ʻilm al Ḳabalah Tags: Cabala; India; Textbooks Derush le-hesped: yom al-eḥad 23 Adar 1 yidrosh muʻalim ha-rav ha-kolel Yosef Ḥayim Sarim ha-Shem yishmerehu ve-yeḥayehu fi Iskul al-banāt fi sāʻah 3 ʻAravi li-menuḥat ha-nedivah ha-mefursemet Sayada Lorah Kaḍuri Tags: Kadoori, Laura Mocatta Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2