Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Ṭovah tokhaḥah meluḳaṭ mi-Shas ṿe-Zohar u-midrash... Ṭovah tokhaḥah meluḳaṭ mi-Shas ṿe-Zohar u-midrash... Tags: Jewish ethics; Ladino literature Ṭovah tokhaḥah meluḳaṭ mi-Shas ṿe-Zohar u-midrash... Tags: Jewish ethics, Ladino literature Tov va-hesed likute musarim ve-dinim Tov va-hesed likute musarim ve-dinim Tov va-hesed likute musarim ve-dinim Toldot ha-Rambam [uno de] los grandes savios afamados de la Espania. Toldot ha-Rambam [uno de] los grandes savios afamados de la Espania. Tags: 1135-1204, Ladino literature; Maimonides, Moses Toldot ha-Rambam [uno de] los grandes savios afamados de la Espania. Tags: Ladino literature, Maimonides Moses 1135-1204 Todah ṿe-zimrah le-shem El ʻelyon: li-teshuḳat ḥevrat "Daṿid ha-melekh ṿe-kinoro" le-lel 2 21 kisleṿ ha-5659 Tags: India; Jews; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: Prayer and thanksgiving: for the semi-jubilee of his majesty's accession to the throne Tags: George; India; Occasional services Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: be-maḳhelot ʻam be-khol bate keneset bi-medinat Briṭaniya be-yom milet shishim shanah la-shevet ha-malkah Ṿiḳṭoriya ʻal kise malkutah yom 21 Siṿan shenat 5657 = Service of prayer and thanksgiving to be used in the synagogues of the British Empire at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of her majesty's accession to the throne, on Sunday, June 20th, 5657 - 1897 Tags: Anniversaries, etc. Liturgy; Texts; Victoria Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: ba-maḳhelot ʻam be-khol bate knesiyot bi-medinat Briṭaniya be-yom melet shishim shanah le-shevet ha-malkah Ṿiktoriyah ... ʻal kise malkutah yom 21 Siṿan shenat le-Shalom En Ḳets le-f. ḳaṭan = Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving to be used in the synagogues of the British Empire at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of her Majesty's accession to the Throne Tags: Coronation; Prayers ansd devotions; Victoria Todah u-tehilah le-El yitbarakh: be-vet ha-keneset Shaʻar ha-Raḥamim be-ʻir Bumbai be-yom milet shishim shanah la-malkut adonatenu ha-ḳesarit Ṿiḳṭoriya be-lel 2, 21 Siṿan ha-5657 Tags: Anniversaries, etc; India; Prayers; Victoria To her most gracious majesty, Victoria: queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and empress of India Tags: Anniversaries, etc; Prayers; Victoria Tizku ṿe-tiḥyu le-shanim rabot Tags: India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Rosh ha-Shanah Tizku le-shanim rabot neʻimot ṿe-ṭovot: teḥel shanah u-virkoteha Tags: India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Rosh ha-Shanah Tizkoo lashanim rabboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high holidays 5703-1942 Tizkoo lashaneem rabboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high-holidays 5704-1943 Tiskoo leyshanim rubboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high-holidays 5718-1957 Tiskoo leyshanim rubboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high holidays 5742-1981 Tiskoo leyshanim rubboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high holidays 5736-1975 Tishbor garem ... perush ha-pesukim ... sheba-Torah min Bereshit ad ve-zot ha-berakhah Tishbor garem ... perush ha-pesukim ... sheba-Torah min Bereshit ad ve-zot ha-berakhah Tishbor garem ... perush ha-pesukim ... sheba-Torah min Bereshit ad ve-zot ha-berakhah Tishbaḥot naʼim ṿe-neḥmadim Tags: Iraq; Jewish religious poetry Tīśa Ābeābacā haphatārā Tags: India; Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Texts Timetable and ordering of places in synagogue Tags: Synagogue seating; Tables Tiḳune ha-nefesh ...el ombre remedio para su alma...ḥeleḳ rishon... Tiḳune ha-nefesh ...el ombre remedio para su alma...ḥeleḳ rishon... Tags: Jewish ethics, Ladino literature Tiḳun le-roʼeh ḳeri be-Yo. ha-K Tags: Judaism; Prayers and devotions; Repentance; Yom Kippur Tidkarat al-Khaddaman al-Yahud tahta jil [i.e. zil] Almaniyah fi Tunis Tidkarat al-Khaddaman al-Yahud tahta jil [i.e. zil] Almaniyah fi Tunis Tidkarat al-Khaddaman al-Yahud tahta jil [i.e. zil] Almaniyah fi Tunis Third Ladino Example The voice of Sinai: "cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the House of Jacob their sins" - Isaiah 58:1 Tags: India; Jews; Judaism; Periodicals The twenty fourth annual report of the Bene-Israel benevolent Society for 1877 Tags: Bene-Israel; Charities; Corporation reports; Endowment reports; India The thirteen chief principles of the Jewish faith: Shelosh ʻeśreh le-ʻiḳarim = Isrāelī dharmācīṁ viśvāsācīṁ terā muḷatatvẽ Tags: Creeds; Jewish Ethics; Judaism The Talmud and the school system of the Talmud: Talamuda va talamudāntīla śāḷāpaddhati Tags: Learning in rabbinical literature; Talmud The state of research into Bene Israel Indian Jews Tags: Bene Israel; ReseAramaich The secret doctrine of the soul and body: with miscellaneous information useful in daily life Tags: Judaism; Mind and body; Religious aspects Judaism; Soul The second annual report of the Israelite school of the Anglo-Jewish Association for 1882-1883: Isrāelī śāḷecā sana 1882-83 cā dusarā vārshika reporṭa Isrāelī śaka 5642-43 Tags: Corporation reports The ritual of the B'nai B'rith Lodge of India: no. 2626, with the authority of the supreme Lodge of the B'nai B'rith The revelation of Elijah (Pethihath Eliyahoo): introduction to the "Greater and the Lesser Holy Assemblies," being the fundamental principles of the Qabalah, and the formula of faith according to Elijah the prophet Tags: Cabala; Judaism The remission of vows and the prayer offered on the sea shore Tags: India; Judaism; Repentance; Rosh ha-Shanah The Red Eagle by James Dewdson: al-Nasr al-ahmar hikayah garibah The Red Eagle by James Dewdson: al-Nasr al-ahmar hikayah garibah The Psalms of David: in Marathi metre The Psalms of David: in Marathi metre The prayers of the Jewish New Year's day Tags: India; Liturgy; Mahzorim; Rosh ha-Shanah; Texts The prayers of the five Jewish fasts Tags: Fasting; India; Liturgy; Ninth of Av; Prayer-books; Religious aspects Judaism; Siddurim; Texts The prayers of the day of atonement Tags: India; Liturgy; Mahzorim; Texts; Yom Kippur The power of tithe, or, Deeds not words Tags: Bene-Israel; Corporation reports; India The Oseh Haised: memorandum of association and rules and regulations Tags: Administration; Bene-Israel; Death and burial; The Oseh Haised The observance of thruth: with special reference to the administration of justice and the advancement of the best interests of society Tags: Ethics; India The Messiah: a Passover sermon preached at Upper Street Synagogue on Monday Nisan 21, 5632 - April 29, 1872 yom 7 shel Pesaḥ Tags: India; Sermons, Jewish The literary creativity of the Jews of Cochin on the Malabar coast Tags: Bene-Israel; India; Jews; Publications The life of the Rev. dr. Hermann Adler, Ph. D: the chief Rabbi of the Jews in the British Empire Tags: Adler, Hermann; Biography The life of Sir John Simon, Q.C: vice-president of the Anglo-Jewish Association Tags: John, Simon The life of Abraham: in Marathi verses Tags: Abraham; Drama; Epic poetry; India Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2