Browse Items (3 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Anniversaries Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Todah u-tehilah le-El yitbarakh: be-vet ha-keneset Shaʻar ha-Raḥamim be-ʻir Bumbai be-yom milet shishim shanah la-malkut adonatenu ha-ḳesarit Ṿiḳṭoriya be-lel 2, 21 Siṿan ha-5657 Tags: Anniversaries, etc; India; Prayers; Victoria Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: be-maḳhelot ʻam be-khol bate keneset bi-medinat Briṭaniya be-yom milet shishim shanah la-shevet ha-malkah Ṿiḳṭoriya ʻal kise malkutah yom 21 Siṿan shenat 5657 = Service of prayer and thanksgiving to be used in the synagogues of the British Empire at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of her majesty's accession to the throne, on Sunday, June 20th, 5657 - 1897 Tags: Anniversaries, etc. Liturgy; Texts; Victoria To her most gracious majesty, Victoria: queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and empress of India Tags: Anniversaries, etc; Prayers; Victoria Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2