Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added [Hagadah le-lel shikorim] hagadah shel Purim... : nisdar ke-seder Hagadah shel Pesah Rut : L'histoire de Ruth Shavuot Chabouot Bayna huyut. Tunis Entre les murs de Tunis Hasde Avot The state of research into Bene Israel Indian Jews Tags: Bene Israel; ReseAramaich Contacts between the Bene Israel and the Holy Land from the 8th century B.C.E. until 1948 Tags: Bene-Israel; History; Palestine Symmetry between Christians and Jews in India: the Cnanite Christians and the Cochin Jews of Kerala Tags: Christians; History; India Kerala; Jews Una vengansa salvaže Tags: Ladino literature Un kuriozo ladron ... Tags: Ladino literature Sefer Yemin Mosheh, ṿe-hu, Hilkhot sheḥiṭah ṿe-hilkhot ṭerefot Tags: Commentaries; Dietary laws; Hilkhot sheḥiṭah; India; India Calcutta; Jews; Judaism; Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim; Shehitah; Yoreh deʻah Hikayat al-Samsuniyyah o al-ghadirah aladi wakaat fi Namsa To her most gracious majesty, Victoria: queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and empress of India Tags: Anniversaries, etc; Prayers; Victoria Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: be-maḳhelot ʻam be-khol bate keneset bi-medinat Briṭaniya be-yom milet shishim shanah la-shevet ha-malkah Ṿiḳṭoriya ʻal kise malkutah yom 21 Siṿan shenat 5657 = Service of prayer and thanksgiving to be used in the synagogues of the British Empire at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of her majesty's accession to the throne, on Sunday, June 20th, 5657 - 1897 Tags: Anniversaries, etc. Liturgy; Texts; Victoria Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: ba-maḳhelot ʻam be-khol bate knesiyot bi-medinat Briṭaniya be-yom melet shishim shanah le-shevet ha-malkah Ṿiktoriyah ... ʻal kise malkutah yom 21 Siṿan shenat le-Shalom En Ḳets le-f. ḳaṭan = Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving to be used in the synagogues of the British Empire at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of her Majesty's accession to the Throne Tags: Coronation; Prayers ansd devotions; Victoria Un dia de Kipur en Prag. Tags: Ladino literature El muerto bivo Tags: Ladino literature Bola flama Tags: Ladino literature El ombre de pendola Tags: Ladino literature El muerto bivo Bola flama El ombre de pendola La Hara Conte Folklore Judeo-ARabe Colonel Wahab's notes on the Jews serving in the Bombay army Tags: 8th (Bombay); Bene-Israel; Great Britain; India; Military service, Army. Regiment of Native Infantry Mulāṁsa vāgaviṇyācī rīti Tags: Education Kavya Dosha Vivechana: an exposition of faults in the Marathi poems taught in government schools Tags: Defects; Marathi poetry Yogasádhana: morally applied Tags: Ethics; Yoga On the evil habit of looking at women lustfully Tags: India; Religious aspects Judaism; Sex role Politeness Tags: Etiquette; India; Jews; Moral education Sadupadeśasaṁgraha A Family medical adviser on emergencies Tags: India; Medicine; Pathology Dharmopadeśa. Pts. 1-3 Tags: India; Jewish religious education; Textbooks Prāyaścittācyā divasācyā prārthanentīla tīna gitāñcẽ bhāshāntara Tags: India; Piyutim; Yom Kippur Mitsaʻad ha-rishon el leshon ha-ḳodesh: ke-maʻarkhe ʻEnglish = Hebrew first book arranged on the English system Tags: Hebrew language; India; Textbooks Rāṇā Śelomonākhyāna Tags: Bible plays; India; Solomon; Verse drama; Verse drama, Marathi Havāladārācẽ kharẽ svarūpa Tags: Bene-Israel; History; Talkar, Haeem Ḍī. Sāmyuelacā dhvaja Tags: Bene-Israel; Biography; India; Warulkar, David Samuel More light: a rational treatise on biblical subjects Tags: Bible; Judaism; Use Yesodot diḳduḳ leshon ha-ḳodesh o gramatika de la lingua santa... Tags: Hebrew language -- Grammar, Ladino literature Divre leshon ha-ḳodesh o diksionario de la lingua santa... Tags: Hebrew language -- Dictionaries, Ladino literature Yesodot diḳduḳ leshon ha-ḳodesh o gramatika de la lingua santa... Divre leshon ha-ḳodesh o diksionario de la lingua santa... Istoria ekstraordinaria de Rasputin, el papas kriminal... Tags: Ladino literature, Rasputin Grigoriĭ Efimovich 1869-1916, Soviet Union -- History -- Revolution 1917-1921 Istoria ekstraordinaria de Rasputin, el papas kriminal... Los buchukes una de las mas ermozas komedias del afamado savio Shekspir. Tags: Ladino literature Los buchukes una de las mas ermozas komedias del afamado savio Shekspir. Ibhrī bhāshecẽ vyākaraṇa: The rudiments of Hebrew grammar, in Marathi, with the points Tags: Grammar; Hebrew language; India; Textbooks Flama vedre Tags: Ladino literature Mile de-Avot perushim al masekhet Avot [be-Arvit] Yaʻaḳov Yiśmaḥ ...remazim u-veʼurim ʻal megilat Ester...gam...Shivḥe Rashbi... Tags: Bible. O.T. Esther -- Commentaries; Ladino literature Yaʻaḳov Yiśmaḥ ...remazim u-veʼurim ʻal megilat Ester...gam...Shivḥe Rashbi... Tags: Bible. O.T. Esther -- Commentaries, Ladino literature Yaʻaḳov Yiśmaḥ ...remazim u-veʼurim ʻal megilat Ester...gam...Shivḥe Rashbi... Komplas nuevas del felek y sala de pasatiempo... Tags: Ladino literature Komplas nuevas del felek y sala de pasatiempo... Yiśmaḥ Yiśraʼel... ...tefilat yeme ha-ḥol ṿe-yom rosh ḥodesh ke-minhag...Sefaradim... Tags: Judaism -- Liturgy -- Texts, Ladino literature Yiśmaḥ Yiśraʼel... ...tefilat yeme ha-ḥol ṿe-yom rosh ḥodesh ke-minhag...Sefaradim... Yagel Yaʻaḳov sefer neḥmad ṿe-naʻim be-shirim mefoʼarim...meluḳaṭim mi-sefer...Zemirot Yiśraʼel... Tags: Ladino literature Yagel Yaʻaḳov sefer neḥmad ṿe-naʻim be-shirim mefoʼarim...meluḳaṭim mi-sefer...Zemirot Yiśraʼel... Ḳehilat Yaʻaḳov este livro es el muevo ʻavodat ha-shanah...nombrado Ḳehilat Yaʻaḳov, livro de todas las orasiones del anio entero... Tags: Judaism -- Liturgy -- Texts, Ladino literature Ḳehilat Yaʻaḳov este livro es el muevo ʻavodat ha-shanah...nombrado Ḳehilat Yaʻaḳov, livro de todas las orasiones del anio entero... Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2