Browse Items (3090 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Pizmon naʼeh ṿe-yaʼeh: she-ḥibarti leha-g. ha-yaḳar Aharon Ḥai Nisim Yeḥezḳeʼel Yehudah be-yom ḥupato uve-yom śimḥat libo be-yom g'. 12 Siṿan ha-5635 Pizmon naʼeh ṿe-neḥmad lehe-ḥatan ha-yaḳar Eliyahu Avraham ha-Kohen: siman Eliyahu ha-Kohen le-ḥen shokhen ʻad teshev be-etan le-Ḥen shokhen ad teshev be-etan: pizmon naʼeh le-ḥatan ha-naʻim Binyamin Ḥai Avraham ha-Kohen ... be-yom ḥatunato uve-yom śimḥat libo Tiskoo leyshanim rubboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high holidays 5742-1981 Tiskoo leyshanim rubboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high holidays 5736-1975 Tiskoo leyshanim rubboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high-holidays 5718-1957 Tizkoo lashaneem rabboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high-holidays 5704-1943 Tizkoo lashanim rabboth: Maghen David Synagogue Calcutta, times of service for high holidays 5703-1942 Qawānīn bet ha-keneset Magen Daṿid Tags: India; Rules and practice; Synagogues Pesāhavishayīṁ kāhīṁ niyama Tags: Customs and practices; Passover Thanksgiving Service: at the Magen David Synagogue, Parel road, Byculla, on Sunday 13th May 1945, 1st of Sivan 5705 at 6 p.m Tags: 1939-1945, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945); India; Jews; Occasional services; Peace; Prayer-books and devotions; Prayers and devotions; World War Certificate of the Grand Rabbinate of Eretz Israel Tags: Certification; Matzos Shoshanat Yaʻaḳov: me-et Yehudah Daṿid Ashḳenazi ha-mohel ṿe-ḥaveraṿ Tags: Jacob Elijah David; Titles, Sassoon Puṇẽ yethīla navīna prārthanā mandira ughaḍaṇyācyā samārambhācā krama: tā 21 māhe Me 1921 dona praharī 2. bājatāṁ Tags: India; Synagogue dedication services B.s.d. otiyot Tags: Alphabet; Alphabet books; Hebrew language; India Adon ʻolam asher malakh Shir le-Shabat Ḳodesh Shokhant ba-śadeh Magen David Synagogue Byculla, Bombay: divine services for high holidays 5742-1981 Y. Emet Programme for the prize exhibition of the Israelite school of the Anglo-Jewish Association, Bombay Shir Tsiyon: a song of Zion Tags: India; Judaism; Songs The thirteen chief principles of the Jewish faith: Shelosh ʻeśreh le-ʻiḳarim = Isrāelī dharmācīṁ viśvāsācīṁ terā muḷatatvẽ Tags: Creeds; Jewish Ethics; Judaism Seder ha-pizmon zeh meaʻ sharḥ bil ʻArabi: nidpas be-hotsaʼot Eliyahu Ṣāliḥ Hakohen melamed fi iskul Eliyahu Daṿid Śaśon li-khevod ha-gevir ha-yaḳar Si. Yaʻaḳov Eliyahu Daṿid Śaśon Tags: Hebrew language; Hymns; India ʻAseret divrot: Dahā ājñā Todah ṿe-zimrah le-shem El ʻelyon: li-teshuḳat ḥevrat "Daṿid ha-melekh ṿe-kinoro" le-lel 2 21 kisleṿ ha-5659 Tags: India; Jews; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Todah u-tehilah le-El yitbarakh: be-vet ha-keneset Shaʻar ha-Raḥamim be-ʻir Bumbai be-yom milet shishim shanah la-malkut adonatenu ha-ḳesarit Ṿiḳṭoriya be-lel 2, 21 Siṿan ha-5657 Tags: Anniversaries, etc; India; Prayers; Victoria Tehilot le-El: le-yom yovel bet ha-keneset Shaʻar ha-Raḥamim be-ʻir Bumbai be-yom 4 Siṿan ha-5656 Tags: Centennial celebrations, etc; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Synagogue Tefilah la-ʻatsor ha-magefah be-ʻir Bumbai: she-neʼemrah be-vet ha-keneset Shaʻar ha-Raḥamim be-yom taʻanit tsibur 22 le-ḥodesh Sivan shenat ha-5657 Tags: Bombay India; India; Pestilence; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Tefilah ʻal ha-raʻav be-ʻare Hodu ha-mizraḥit: Prayer for "famine-stricken" India, offered in the "New Synagogue" on Thursday, 26th November 1896 Tags: Bene-Israel; Famine; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Thanks-giving to the Almighty: for the Jubilee of the reign of her most gracious Majesty Empress Victoria Tags: Fasts and feasts; Victoria Jewish calendar 5725 1964-65: with compliments and the best wishes for a happy New Year Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Jewish calendar 5723 1962-63: with compliments and the best wishes for a happy New Year Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Prārthanecẽ veḷāpatraka: 5716 = 1955-1956 Jewish calendar 5715, 1954-1955: with compliments and the best wishes for a happy New Year = gamar ḥatimah ṭovah, le-shanah ṭovah tikhtevu ṿe-teḥatemu Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Prāthanecẽ veḷāpatraka: 5714 = 1953-1954 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Prārthanecẽ veḷāpatraka: 5711=1950-51 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Prārthanecẽ veḷāpatraka: 5709 = 1948-49 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Prārthanecẽ veḷāpatraka: 5708 = 1947-1948 Tags: Calendar, Jewish; Tables Tefilah le-hitpalel yaḥad kol ḥose batsal mamshelet Briṭania: aḥar ḳeriʼat ha-Torah Tags: India; Judaism; Prayer-books and devotions; Prayers Order of service for the coronation day of their majesties King George and Queen Mary Tags: Coronation; George; India; Mary; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Memorial service in memory of his late majesty King Emperor Edward VII: offered at the "Gate of Mercy" synagogue Bombay Tags: Death and burial Liturgy; Edward; Texts Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah: be-maḳhelot ʻam be-khol bate keneset bi-medinat Briṭaniya be-yom milet shishim shanah la-shevet ha-malkah Ṿiḳṭoriya ʻal kise malkutah yom 21 Siṿan shenat 5657 = Service of prayer and thanksgiving to be used in the synagogues of the British Empire at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of her majesty's accession to the throne, on Sunday, June 20th, 5657 - 1897 Tags: Anniversaries, etc. Liturgy; Texts; Victoria To her most gracious majesty, Victoria: queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and empress of India Tags: Anniversaries, etc; Prayers; Victoria Tehilah le-El: li-khevod gevirtenu ha-malkah Ṿiḳṭoriya ʻal yovel malkutah le-yom 5 le-ḥodesh shevaṭ bi-shenat ṿe-ʻoz ṿe-hadar levushah [5647] Tags: Fasts and feasts; Victoria Ḳol teḥinah: El emunah ṿe-en ạvel tsadiḳ ṿe-yashar atah Tags: Alexandra; Death and burial; Edward; Elegiac poetry; Elegiac Poetry; India El shemor ha-melekh: le-ʻolam yeḥi malkenu Tags: India; Kings and rulers; Prayers; Prayers and devotions National Anthem Tags: Great Britain; Hymns Entertainment given at Bombay to Lord Elphinstone: Monday, the 28th of February, 1859, will long be remembered by the élite of Bombay for the grand entertainment given by Mr. David Sasson, the well-known wealthy Jew merchant of Bombay and China ... in honour of the assumption of the government of India by her gracious Majesty Queen Victoria uve-Yom śimḥatkhem uve-moʻadekhem uve-rashe ḥodshekhem: u-teḳaʻtem ba-ḥatsotsrot ʻal ʻolotekhem ṿe-ʻal shalmekhem ṿe-hayu lakhem le-zikaron li-fene Elohekhem, ani H. Elohekhem Tags: India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Rosh ha-Shanah Tizku ṿe-tiḥyu le-shanim rabot Tags: India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Rosh ha-Shanah Seder Tehilot le-yom Ḥanukat gitit ha-keneset "Magen Avot": Alibāga yethīla "māgena ābotha" prārthanā mandīra ughaḍaṇyācyā Tags: Hanukkah; India; Songs Birkat ner shel Ḥanukah Tags: Hanukkah; India; Prayers; Prayers and devotions Yehi ratson mile-fanekha Tags: India; Piyutim; Prayers; Prayers and devotions; Rosh ha-Shanah; Yom Kippur Pūrīmacẽ gīta: pūrīma pūrīma pūrīma tānū'yā gītācẽ padavarūpa bhāshāntara Tags: Purim; Songs Likutim min Sefer ha-Maspik Likutim min Sefer ha-Maspik Hok David [Majmua min a-Zohar...u-musar Rabenu Tam min Sefer ha-Yashar ve-taame ha-mitsvot min sefer Haye Avraham] Sefer ha-Rambam hilkhot Shabat Le repos de 7 jour : en hebreu et en judeo-arabe Hilkhot ishut [im tafsir beal-Arabi] Previous Page Page of 52 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2